jueves, 27 de octubre de 2011

The Story of Sushi

The sushi is a Japanese dish made from rice cooked rice seasoned with vinegar, sugar and salt. This dish is one of the most renowned of Japanese cuisine and one of the most popular internationally.
One could investigate the origin of sushi before the fourth century BC in Southeast Asia.The salted and fermented fish with rice, was an important source of protein. The cleaned and gutted fish are put into rice so that the natural fermentation of rice to help conservation.This type of sushi is called nare-zushi. He stayed for a couple of months in fermentation and then consumed only fish and rice was discarded.

Over time it spread throughout China and later, around the eighth century in the Heian period, was introduced in Japan. Since Japanese preferred to eat rice with fish, sushi, called seisei-zushi, became popular at the end of Muromachi period. This type of sushi was consumed while the fish was still partly raw and the rice had not lost its flavor. In this way, sushi became part of the culinary art rather than a way to preserve food.
Later in the Edo era, Japanese began making haya-zushi, which was created as a way of eating rice and fish, this dish was unique to Japanese culture. Instead of being only used for fermentation, rice was mixed with vinegar and combined not only with fish but also with various vegetables and canned foods. Today, every region of Japan still retains its own flavor using local produce and doing different types of sushi that have remained for generations.
At the beginning of the century-19th century, when Tokyo was still called Edo, the food industry was mainly dominated by mobile food stands where nigiri-zushi originated.Edomae which literally means "in front of Tokyo Bay," was where he got the fresh fish and tasty seaweed for the nigiri-zushi. As a result, also called Edomae-zushi, and was popular among the people in Edo after Yohei Hanaya, a creative sushi chef, who improved the sushi as a simple but delicious food. Then, after the Great Kanto earthquake in 1923, nigiri sushi spread throughout Japan with experienced Edomae-zushi chefs from Edo.
In the years seventy to eighty, when he awoke the health concerns and people began to realize the importance of food, sushi, one of the healthiest foods in the world, began their race to overcrowding. Today his demand in the world is enormous. In our country every day there is a greater awareness of its nutritional goodness, and its sophisticated aesthetic taste.

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